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New Version 3.3 is around the corner!


DataStation Social Revolution now a reality

It is our supreme pleasure to announce new version of DataStation 3.3, which is planned to go online by the end of August, 2013.

You can continue to work normally as upload will take less then 15 minutes of your time, staying true to our "99% availability" moto.

This version is different! Besides many new features and improvements, we are going to implement first phase of what is becoming real DataStation Social revolution. With Social Revolution, we are moving forward to bring you top of the class collaboration and communication possiblities to ensure great innovation results.

This version also bring several features that are direct consenquence of your feedback. Once more, we proved that we are closely listening to your needs and that you can affect our development roadmap free of charge.

List of those features is sent to your e-mail, if you are following our newsletter. If you missed it, please review the list of features below.

This is the list of the features to expect in 3.3 version:

  • Instantiating process phases in advance
  • Action for ending of scoring
  • PL to reset stage
  • My gates showing only not voted gates
  • Report - Sleeping VS Active users
  • Report - Idea life span
  • Ticketing system V1
  • Campaign sponsors
  • New A/T status: canceled
  • Invite project manager logic improvement
  • Bucket naming
  • Idea delete logic
  • Assignment layout improvement
  • Print and download to PDF entity page
  • Left menu on entity view navigation
  • Tree structure of assignments and documentation on stage
  • Idea state icons improvement

Download Release Sheet Preview Notes right here: Release Sheet Preview

IMPORTANT: From this version, our hand is extended to you in the form of support Ticketing system. You will be connected with your primary, secondary and dedicated administrators more closely then before, allowing you to influence the way your Datastation works.

With this and many other incremental improvements that are coming, we strive to perfect our tool and our service to you, our respected customer.

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We thank you for your trust.

Yours trully,

DataStation Team